
Monday, January 1, 2018

Night Falling on 2017

It's been a while since I've posted anything here. Although the second half of 2017 had some cool content here and there, I just hadn't been very inspired to write. I guess it's mostly because I was very busy with work.

In the last couple of months of the year, I've started coming to the conclusion that maybe fulltime work isn't quite right for me after all. As much as the stability and sensible hours are nice, the lack of flexibility does my head in. In particular - taking leave is just too much of a bureaucratic and cumbersome process, which really waters down my former lifestyle of going on random little holidays every couple of months - something I really enjoyed about 2015 and 2016. It just can't be done as spontaneously and freely as I'd like any more.

So this is really my only New Years Resolution of 2018: Less work, more play, more holidays!